Wednesday Weekly 29 May 2019
Workshop Registration: Religion, Civil Society and Personal (Family) Law Reform in Post-Colonial Nation-StatesWe would like to remind you of the previously announced workshop "Religion, Civil Society and Personal (Family) Law Reform in Post-Colonial Nation-States: Interrogating Secularity in India and Beyond ", organized by Anindita Chakrabarti on 25 June 2019 at Strohsackpassage.
The event is public, the registration deadline was expanded to 10 June 2019, please write to multiple-secularities@uni-leipzig.de.
Farewell Matthew KingMatthew King, who worked on his research project “‘Unbiased Scholars’ and ‘Superficial Intellectuals’: Was there a Public Culture Between Europe and Inner Asia in the Long 19th Century?” for the last two months at the KFG will leave Leipzig this week. We wish him all the best and hope to see him again soon!
Welcome Suchandra GhoshWe want to welcome Suchandra Ghosh (Jhargram Raj College, Vidyasagar University, West Bengal) as a new Junior Research Fellow. Suchandra will work on “Religion, Civil Society and Democracy: The case of the All India Muslim Personal Law Board in India” and stay with us until the end of June. |
Welcome back Mohammad MagoutWe also want to welcome back Senior Researcher Mohammad Magout. Mohammad spent the last seven months at the Orient-Institute Beirut as a Postdoctoral Visiting Fellow and continued his research on the discourse on “religion” in the Arabic press in the 19th century. |
Call for Papers: Supernatural Religion in the Age of EmpireOn 18 October 2019, the University of Antwerp will host a workshop on “Supernatural Religion in the Age of Empire” which aims to bring together researchers on supernaturalism in colonial and imperial contexts. Particularly welcomed are papers, which address methodological and theoretical issues concerning supernatural religion in empire, and are interested in reflections on dynamics of cross-cultural religious practices, beliefs and phenomena across a range of methods and sources. Pleas send abstracts (300 words & short bio) before 30 June and any questions to kristof.smeyers@uantwerpen.be
Public Lecture: Sociology of Religion as Critique of Religion?On Monday, 3 June, Karl-Siegbert Rehberg (TU Dresden) will talk about “Sociology of Religion as Critique of Religion? Max Weber's disenchantment thesis and its critics (Religionssoziologie als Religionskritik? Max Webers Entzauberungsthese und ihre Kritiker)”. The lecture is part of the lecture series “Critique of Religion in Past and Present (Religionskritik in Geschichte und Gegenwart)”, organised by Horst Junginger. It will be held in German.
Time: 3.15 p.m.
Venue: lecture hall 6, Leipzig University Campus |