Wednesday Weekly 12 September 2018
Reminder: Conference RegistrationListeners at our conference on Secularities - Patterns of Distinction, Paths of Differentiation (04-06 October 2018) will have to register until 23 September 2018, please send an email to multiple-secularities@uni-leipzig.de and use the subject CONFERENCE '18.
Please let us know,
- your full name and affiliation,
- whether you will be present for the keynote with José Casanova on Thursday,
- in which panels you want to participate on Friday,
- and which working group you want to join on Saturday.
Public KeynoteThe opening keynote of our upcoming conference will be held by José Casanova on Early Modern Jesuit Intercultural Encounters and the Globalization of Secularities (4 October, 6:30 p.m., Paulinum). The keynote is public, please spread the announcement among your colleagues. |
Workshop: Internationalization of Colonial Knowledge Production
Geert Castryck (SFB 1199) and Katja Naumann (GWZO) organise a Workshop on the Internationalization of Colonial Knowledge Production, 20-21 September 2018, Strohsack room 5.55. The workshop is open to everybody interested, pleae pre-register by e-mail (geert.castryck@uni-leipzig.de or katja.naumann@leibniz-gwzo.de).
CfA: Faculty for Women's Studies in Religion Program
HARVARD DIVINITY SCHOOL announces five full-time positions as Research Associate and Visiting Faculty for 2019-20 in its Women’s Studies in Religion Program. Proposals for book-length research projects utilizing both religion and gender as central categories of analysis and focusing on any religion are welcomed. Complete applications are due by 15 October 2018.