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Dear friends and colleagues, This week we want to draw your attention to a JAAR Roundtable on the aftermaths of the (scientific) critique of Secularism, two conferences, and a fundraising campaign in support of refugees stranded in the overcrowded camps in Greece. Don't miss Screening Religion at the Cinémathèque tonight, in the meantime enjoy the reading! |
CfP: Conference on Religious FundamentalismThe cluster of excellence Religion and Politics at the University of Munster oranises a workshop on “Religious Fundamentalism: New challenges in Theory and Empirics across Religions and Cultures“. Within a wide spectrum of religions and disciplines, papers that deal with the phenomenon of fundamentalism on a theoretical level and papers that empirically approach the phenomenon on the basis of selected cases are welcome. 16 – 17 October 2020, Munster
Conference on Rituals of the Heavenly and Earthly KingdomsThe Royal Castle in Warsaw hosts a conference on “Rituals of the Heavenly and Earthly Kingdoms. The Sacred, Secular, and Sacramental Powers in Premodern Europe”. The central goal of this conference is, to begin to more accurately describe the relationship between the ‘secular’, ‘sacred’, and ‘sacramental’ as evinced by the historical phenomena, and from there to build a richer conceptual framework for describing all of these categories and their interplay in premodern Europe. 20 – 22 May 2020, Warsaw
Refugee SupportThe situation for refugees at the borders between Greece and Turkey is devastating and becomes worse everyday. The German NGO Mission Lifeline which is still present in the overcrowded camps on the island Lesbos decided to increase the pressure on the European Union and the governments of its members by raising money for charter flights to Germany for the most endangered refugees on Lesbos. The KFG "Multiple Secularities" has been supporting refugees in the last couple of years and will continue to do so. That's why we want to share the link to Mission Lifeline's campaign with you.
Kolleg-Forschungsgruppe "Multiple Secularities - Beyond the West, Beyond Modernities" Nikolaistraße 8-10, 04109 Leipzig Mail: multiple-secularities@uni-leipzig.de |