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Narratives of Disenchantment and Secularization


From 28 to 29 October 2017 the international conference "Narratives of Disenchantment and Secularization: Origins, Contexts, Transformations" will take place at LMU Munich. Among others our prospective fellow Jason Josephson-Storm and our director Monika Wohlrab-Sahr will present papers at the conference. The keynote will be held by Jonathan Israel.


Conference: Academics on the Flight


The Leipzig based network Chance for Science will hold a Conference for Academics on the Flight on 15 September 2017 at the Mediencampus Villa Ida. The conference aims to offer refugee academics the opportunity to build networks and to exchange their academic insights. It is not meant to let experts talk about refugees, but to let fled academics talk about their areas of expertise.


Conference Report: Islamic Psychoanalysis / Psychoanalytic Islam


From 26 to 27 June 2017 the College of Psychoanalysts - UK (CP-UK) organised the conference "Islamic Psychoanalysis/ Psychoanalytic Islam" at the University of Manchester. Our associate member (and former Junior Research Fellow in residence) Eva-Maria Tepest, who presented a paper on "(Criticising) Religion as Culture: The Translation of Psychoanalysis Into Contemporary Arab Thought", authored a conference report for the KFG "Multiple Secularities - Beyond the West, Beyond Modernities".


Symposium on "A Secular Age beyond the West: Modes of Secularity in Asia"


From 13 to 15 September Mirjam Künkler, Shylashri Shankar, Claudia Derichs and Tine Stein organise a symposium on "A Secular Age beyond the West: Modes of Secularity in Asia" at Schloss Herrenausen (Germany).


Conference Report: Third Conference of the Arab Council for the Social Sciences


Between 10 and 12 March 2017, the Third Conference of the Arab Council for the Social Sciences (ACSS) took place in Beirut, Lebanon under the title: State, Sovereignty and Social Space in the Arab Region: Emerging Historical and Theoretical Approaches. The ACSS was established in 2008 to promote social scientific research and knowledge production in the Arab world, enhance the role of social science in Arab public life, and inform public policy in the region.


Muchamad Ali Safa'at teaches at Summer School in Wittenberg


Our current Senior Research Fellow in residence Muchamad Ali Safa'at from Brawijaya University in Malang (Indonesia) will teach at the Summer School 2017 in Wittenberg from 14 to 20 August 2017. Together with our recent Fellow in residence Anna Mrozek, Christoph Enders (head of our partner project "Law and Culture") and David Abraham, he will teach and debate on the limits of tolerance.


Workshop on "Global Mission and Chinese Cultural Identity: Challenges and Prospects for the Religious Movement Yiguandao"


Our prospective fellow Philip Clart and Nikolas Broy organise a workshop on the Yiguandao Movement together with the the SFB 1199 “Processes of Spatialization under the Global Condition” at Leipzig University, 27 June 2017, 9 a.m. — 3:30 p.m. in room 5.55, Strohsackpassage, 5th floor, Nikolaistraße 8-10.


Cooperation with ERC-project "Private Pieties"


On 19 May 2017 members of the KFG "Multiple Secularities" and the ERC-project "Private Pieties. Mundane Islam and New Forms of Muslim Religiosity: Impact on Contemporary Social and Political Dynamics" (Göttingen University) met in Leipzig for a workshop to explore prospects for future cooperation.


Call for Papers: Secularities


The GHI Rome organises an international workshop on "Secularities. Freethinkers in the Context of National Movements and the Rise of Nation States in Europe, 1789-1920s" from 21 to 23 March 2018. The theoretical framing of the workshop explicitly refers to the multiple secularities approach.


Cluster Lecture: Religion, Gender, Identity


As part of the reformed Studium Integrale of the University of Cologne, the Faculty of Arts and Humanities offers the public cluster lecture "Religion, Geschlecht, Identität - diese drei? Konzepte, Kritik und soziale Realität (Religion, Gender, Identity - these three? Concepts, Critique and Social Reality)" in the summer semester 2017. The lectures are organised by Jun.-Prof. Dr. Béatrice Hendrich. The KFG "Multiple Secularities" will also contribute to this series.


10 Years Religious Studies in Zurich: Honorary Doctorate for Hubert Seiwert and Anniversary Conference


The Department of Religious Studies of the University of Zurich (Switzerland) celebrates its 10th anniversary this week. On this occasion our Permanent Senior Research Fellow Hubert Seiwert has been awarded the honorary doctorate of the University of Zurich for his merits. He and our director Christoph Kleine will also contribute to the 10th anniversary conference of the Department (4-5 May 2017) titled "Reflexive Religionswissenschaft (Reflexive Religious Studies)".


Public Lectures of the Forum for Interdisciplinary Religious Studies


The Forum for Interdisciplinary Religious Studies (University of Göttingen) starts a public lecture series on The Emergence and the Fading of the Religious ("Wie Religiöses vergeht und entsteht") on 20 April 2017. On 27 April our director Monika Wohlrab-Sahr will give a lecture on Secularity beyond the West ("Säkularität oder die Grenzen des Religiösen - beyond the West") as part of this series.

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