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Here you will find an overview of the books published by the Centre for Advanced Studies in the Humanities and Social Sciences on "Multiple Secularities - Beyond the West, Beyond Modernities" and its members on various forms of secularity.

The work in the research group is characterised by collaborative formats such as workshops and conferences, the results of which are published in the form of special issues and edited volumes and can also be found here.

Use the search box below to search through all titles and abstracts and find titles that are relevant to you more quickly.


Multiple Secularities in Africa

Special Issue of Journal of Religion in Africa

Marian Burchardt, Magnus Echtler and Katharina Wilkens, eds.

Multiple Secularities in Africa

This special issue tackles epistemological distortions and blind spots through empirical and historical studies of African secularities, of the ways in which Africans have socially enacted and discursively framed the religious – secular distinction and thus filled it with cultural meaning. We trace genealogies of the religious and the secular in Africa and the diaspora, search for possible conceptual and institutional precursors in precolonial societies, and discuss the heuristic values of divergent conceptualisations. The contributors analyze the colonial formations of secularities and their transformations through anticolonial struggles and in African revolutions, taking heed of the variations in Anglo-, Franco- and Lusophone Africa. Do African socialisms, negritude, pan-Africanism, black consciousness, or Ubuntu propagate secularity? A further area of inquiry is the institutional and legal organization of religious plurality vis-à-vis the state and its executive institutions (e.g., public administration, police, infrastructure development). How do African states and civil societies deal with conflicts between the norms of religious or cultural communities and individual rights, be it freedom from religion/custom, gender equality, or sexual orientation (Igwe 2019; Mokoena 2022; Mutua 2008; Parsitau 2021)? How is religious plurality enacted and contested in the public arena? Are African traditions included or excluded (Echtler 2022; Goshadze 2019)? Beyond state politics and the public sphere, social differentiation is also produced in everyday interactions: how are various social domains demarcated (science, law, economy, medicine, education, arts, and so on) and how do they relate to the religious domain? Based on the analysis of the power/knowledge topography of secularities in Africa, this special issue explores their decolonizing potential for Africa and for the study of the secular.

Burchardt, Marian, Magnus Echtler and Katharina Wilkens, eds. Multiple Secularities in Africa. Special Issue, Journal of Religion in Africa 54, no. 3 (2024).

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Global Secularity. A Sourcebook

Volume 2: The Middle East and North Africa

Florian Zemmin, Neguin Yavari, Markus Dressler and Nurit Stadler, eds.

Global Secularity. A Sourcebook

This volume collects reflections on secularity from the Middle East and North Africa. To highlight proximate connections as well as resonances with debates elsewhere, it includes premodern contributions from the region as well as Jewish thought from Europe that have provided significant references for modern appropriations of secularity. The texts, for the most part previously untranslated, reflect commonalities within the region as well as its great diversity. Thus, while Islam is a common reference for most of our authors, the selections point to its varied invocations in the interest of differing political ends. Others write from a Christian or Jewish perspective, or subscribe to non-religious intellectual traditions. They range from premodern Muslim jurisprudents and philosophers to Ottoman statesmen, Arab socialist and nationalist intellectuals of the interwar period, Iranian revolutionaries, Israeli novelists, and finally, post-secular intellectuals, lay and religious, predominantly from the former Islamic heartland: modern Arab states and Iran. Several introductions weave together the swathe of topics raised in the discussions, beginning with a schematic presentation of the concerns that undergird the volume’s organization.

Zemmin, Florian, Neguin Yavari, Markus Dressler, and Nurit Stadler, eds. Global Secularity: A Sourcebook. Vol 2, The Middle East and North Africa. Boston, MA: De Gruyter, 2024.

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Global Secularity. A Sourcebook

Volume 1: Mapping the Academic Debate

Johannes Duschka, Christoph Kleine, Monika Wohlrab-Sahr, and Florian Zemmin, eds.

Global Secularity. A Sourcebook

This volume maps the international academic debate on secularity. It places seminal contributions from within ‘Western’ academia alongside less well-known texts from various parts of the world; in several cases this is the first time that they have been translated into English. The volume demonstrates that the academic debate on secularity was and is a global debate, with contributions from many regions. The collected texts relate to each other either directly or indirectly by referring to similar arguments – whether reinforcing or criticising them – and thus create a discourse. When speaking of global secularity, we therefore do not insinuate a uniform ‘world secularity’ resulting from the alleged global diffusion of ‘Western’ norms, ideas and concepts. It is rather a web of relations that is constituted via various different references. These references are not evenly distributed: the development in ‘the West’ is often the point of reference to which positions from other regions relate, to which they connect, or from which they distance themselves. But the references are not completely unidirectional: We also present texts from Europe that underline the multidirectionality of the process, even early on. Thereby, the volume offers the reader the material with which to trace these global exchanges and references.

Duschka, Johannes, Christoph Kleine, Monika Wohlrab-Sahr, and Florian Zemmin, eds. Global Secularity: A Sourcebook. Vol. 1, Mapping the Academic Debate. Boston: De Gruyter, 2024.

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Der Islam als akademische Praxis

Von der biographischen Islamizität zum pluralen Islam

Lena Dreier

Der Islam als akademische Praxis

Vom Studienfach Islamische Theologie, vor elf Jahren gegründet, erwartete man sich politisch die Ausbildung integrationsfördernder Imame. Die Autorin geht empirisch der Frage nach, wie die Studierenden mit diesen Erwartungen umgehen. Die Sinnzuschreibungen der Akteure, so zeigt sich, sind eng verknüpft mit dem Umgang des Staates mit Religion wie auch der akademischen Disziplin mit dem Islam. Im Ergebnis zeigt

sich das Konzept der biographischen Islamizität, einer zentralen Erfahrungsweise von Muslimen in Minderheitsverhältnissen. Die Fachbeteiligten institutionalisieren das Bild eines pluralen Islams. Das Buch liefert einen religionssoziologischen Beitragzum Verständnis religiös-säkularer Konstellationen in der Gesellschaft.

Dreier, Lena. Der Islam als akademische Praxis. Von der biographischen Islamizität zum pluralen Islam. Religion der Gesellschaft 51. Baden-Baden: Ergon, 2023.

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The Bloomsbury Handbook of Religion and Heritage in Contemporary Europe

Todd H. Weir and Lieke Wijnia, eds.

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Religion and Heritage in Contemporary Europe

This open access Handbook provides state-of-the-art scholarship on religious heritage in contemporary Europe, aimed at scholars, practitioners and policy makers. It contains articles by both scholars and heritage practitioners, and explores the key challenges facing organizations, churches, and governments, as well as academics studying religion and heritage.

Divided into three parts, the book brings together critical analysis and an exploration of best practices, structured along major themes, including tourism, the (post)secular, economics, multiple usages, Jewish heritage, Muslim heritage, museums, contemporary art, and architecture.

The book explores how historic places of worship, including churches, synagogues, and mosques in Europe, are among the most heavily visited heritage sites worldwide, yet declining church attendance means that many, historic churches are being repurposed. It also examines the key role religious heritage plays in political discourse, both in the interest of including and excluding religious minorities.

Weir, Todd H., and Lieke Wijnia, eds. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Religion and Heritage in Contemporary Europe. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023.

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Red Secularism

Socialism and Secularist Culture in Germany 1890 to 1933

Todd H. Weir

Red Secularism

Red Secularism is the first substantive investigation into one of the key sources of radicalism in modern German, the subculture that arose at the intersection of secularism and socialism in the late nineteenth-century. It explores the organizations that promoted their humanistic-monistic worldview through popular science and asks how this worldview shaped the biographies of ambitious self-educated workers and early feminists. Todd H. Weir shows how generations of secularist intellectuals staked out leading positions in the Social Democratic Party, but often lost them due to their penchant for dissent. Moving between local and national developments, this book examines the crucial role of red secularism in the political struggles over religion that rocked Germany and fed into the National Socialist dictatorship of 1933.

Weir, Todd H. Red Secularism. Socialism and Secularist Culture in Germany 1890 to 1933. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023.


Islamic Modernities in World Society

The Rise, Spread, and Fragmentation of a Hegemonic Idea

Dietrich Jung

Islamic Modernities in World Society

How is one “authentically” modern? Substantively drawing on contemporary social theory, this book inverstigates the multiplicity of answers that Muslims have given to this question since the end of the nineteenth century. Through six historical and thematic case studies, the author examines the historical evolution of multiple modernities within Islam. The book argues that we can observe the rise and spread of a relatively hegemonic idea according to which the relation to Islamic traditions bestows projects of Muslim modernities with cultural authenticity. At the same time, it provides an interpretation of this specifically Islamic discourse of modernity as an inherent part of global modernity in conceptual terms understood as the ergence of world society.


Jung, Dietrich. Islamic Modernities in World Society. The Rise, Spread, and Fragmentation of an Hegemonic Idea. Edinburgh Studies of the Globalised Muslim World. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2023.


Grenzen der Religion

Säkularität in der Asiatischen Religionsgeschichte

Max Deeg, Oliver Freiberger, Christoph Kleine, and Karénina Kollmar-Paulenz, eds.

Grenzen der Religion

Ist die Unterscheidung zwischen Religiösem und Säkularem – d.h. Säkularität – wirklich eine Eigenheit der westlichen Moderne, wie oft behauptet wird? Oder gibt es auch in vormodernen Gesellschaften Asiens vergleichbare Unterscheidungen? Dieser Band geht anhand von zehn Beispielen dieser Frage nach. Dabei wird deutlich, dass auch in der asiatischen Religionsgeschichte analoge binäre Unterscheidungen in verschiedenen kulturspezifischen Varianten nachweisbar sind. Diese wirken bis heute nach und begründen eine globale Vielfalt von Säkularitäten, die nicht einfach als Varianten eines europäischen Modells betrachtet werden können.

Deeg, Max, Oliver Freiberger, Christoph Kleine, and Karénina Kollmar-Paulenz, eds. Grenzen der Religion: Säkularität in der Asiatischen Religionsgeschichte. Critical Studies in Religion/Religionswissenschaft 107. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2023.


Global Perspectives on Religion as an Object of Historical and Social Scientific Study

Florian Zemmin, ed.

Global Perspectives on Religion as an Object of Historical and Social Scientific Study

The workshop saw the presentation of eighteen papers, addressing the foregoing and related questions. One third of these papers were devel-oped into contributions to this special issue. Whilst certainly not an arbitrary selection, they are a contingent reflection of the discussions in our workshop, insofar as several other contributions did not come to be included in this issue due to constraints of time. A central dimension that came to be largely absent concerns the institutional presence of scientific approaches to religion in different regional and national contexts, not least China, India, Japan, and Latin America. For researchers working on these, the reader may be directed to the overall programme of the work-shop, from which the foregoing quote is taken and which is still visible online, including the abstracts of all contributions.

Zemmin, Florian, ed. "Global Perspectives on Religion as an Object of Historical and Social Scientific Study." Special issue, Implicit Religion 24, no. 3–4 (2023).


Translated Religion

In a Forest of True Words

​Katja Triplett, ed.

Translated Religion

The history of religion is always a history of translation, too. When religious speech is transcribed, holy scripture is created – sacred writings that are considered to apply to everyone. Translating holy writings in order to spread one’s own religion poses major challenges for translators, such as how to bridge the often considerable gaps between source and target languages. Sometimes the languages belong to different language families. Sometimes the original language is extinct and knowledge of it is hazy. In some religious traditions, a particular language or register is reserved for holy scripture, and adherents may regard the translation of their holy book into a vernacular as reprehensible. Another challenge is posed by the wide range of writing systems and alphabets used to represent the plethora of languages past and present. Note that translation is not limited to the written word, for religious images are also ‘translated’ when they are transposed into a new context.
Equally, some writers put holy words in the mouths of certain
authority figures, using a form of creative ‘translation’ to publicise a particular religious interpretation and claim its legitimacy. Another kind of translation takes place between different media, one especially popular form being the translation of knowledge and information gained from images into texts and vice versa.
In this catalogue, researchers from various disciplines use exam
ples to explore translation shifts between oral and written texts, between literature and religion, between schools of the same religion, between different religious traditions, and, finally, between academia and religion. The exhibition Translated Religion is also intended as a showcase of current scholarly efforts to ‘translate’ historical texts and images from the holdings of Leipzig University Library into an intelligible form for visitors.

Katja Triplett, ed. Translated Religion: In a Forest of True Words, translated by Chris Abbey, with contributions by Thandi Allen. Exhibition Catalogue. Schriften aus der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 53. Leipzig: Universitätsverlag Leipzig, 2023.

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On the Philosophy of Recognition and Identity Politics

Critique of the Culturalist Approach to Arab Islamic Culture

Housamedden Darwish

On the Philosophy of Recognition and Identity Politics

This book is about the concept of recognition and the discussion of its meaning, connotations, and its strong presence in contemporary (Western) philosophy on the one hand and in Arab reality and thought on the other. On this basis, this book contains a theoretical approach to the issue of recognition and related ideas (such as justice, tolerance, and human rights) and policies and/or approaches (such as identity politics and the culturalist and/or racist approach). On this basis, this book's critical examination of the close and negative connection of recognition theory with identity politics parallels and overlaps with the critical examination of the culturalist approach, which interprets "everything" in (Muslims) society and the state with the prevailing culture there.

Darwish, Housamedden. On the Philosophy of Recognition and Identity Politics: Critique of the Culturalist Approach to Arab Islamic Culture. Beirut & al-Sharjah: Mominoun without Borders, 2023.


Handbuch Religionskunde in Deutschland

Wanda Alberts, Horst Junginger, Katharina Neef, and Christina Wöstemeyer, eds.

Handbuch Religionskunde in Deutschland

Das Handbuch Religionskunde in Deutschland analysiert nicht-konfessionellen religionsbezogenen Unterricht in der Schule aus religionswissenschaftlicher Sicht. Die für diesen Unterricht essentielle säkulare religionskundliche Perspektive wird einleitend mit ihren inhaltlichen und strukturellen Konsequenzen beschrieben und von religiösen und interreligiösen Perspektiven abgegrenzt. Darauf aufbauend wird die Lage der Religionskunde in Deutschland in systematisch-vergleichenden, historischen und bundeslandspezifischen Kapiteln mit Blick auf die sich wandelnden Kontexte und Dynamiken von staatlichem Neutralitätsanspruch, Religionsfreiheit, Gesetzgebung und gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen analysiert. Hierbei wird konsequent die religiös unabhängige religionskundliche Perspektive („learning about religion") im Kontext der jeweiligen bildungspolitischen Diskurse fokussiert. Die Analyse von Religionskunde in ausführlichen Kapiteln über alle 16 Bundesländer zeigt, dass Religionskunde im deutschen Schulsystem weitgehend eine Leerstelle darstellt, obwohl die Relevanz des Themas bildungspolitisch durchgehend betont wird. Hier zeigt das Handbuch Handlungsbedarf bezüglich der Implementierung und religionswissenschaftlichen Fundierung von Religionskunde.

  • Wissenschaftlich fundierter Beitrag zur aktuellen Debatte
  • Übersichtliche, aktuelle Kapitel und Überblicksgrafiken zu jedem Bundesland
  • Systematische und historische Erfassung des nicht-konfessionellen religions- und ethikbezogenen Unterrichts

  • Alberts, Wanda, Horst Junginger, Katharina Neef, and Christina Wöstemeyer, eds. Handbuch Religionskunde in Deutschland. De Gruyter Praxishandbuch. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023.

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    Islam in Global Modernity

    Sociological Theory and the Diversity of Islamic Modernities

    Dietrich Jung

    Islam in Global Modernity

    This book combines sociological theorising with studies on the Middle East and Islam. The diversity of modernities that can be observed in our world is linked to the claim of living in a global modernity, in a world society. The book underpins this claim with numerous excursions into Islamic history. It criticises the view that modernisation can be equated with westernisation and considers different projects of specifically Islamic modernities as integral parts of world society. From this perspective, the study contributes to the "provincialisation" of European history in contemporary social scientific thought. Contrary to the theories of postcolonialism associated with the call for the provincialisation of Europe, however, this book adheres to essential traditions of classical sociology. It thus aims to make a contribution to the social theoretical discussion on modernity, which is empirically underpinned with the help of data from the history of the Middle East and Islam. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence. A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content.

    Jung, Dietrich. Islam in Global Modernity: Sociological Theory and the Diversity of Islamic Modernities. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien, 2023.


    Between Hope and Despair

    100 Ethical Reflections on Contemporary India

    Rajeev Bhargava

    Between Hope and Despair

    India's collective ethical identity is under duress. We don't seem to currently agree on what our collective good is. Some groups believe that India is finally rediscovering its Hindu identity and becoming a great nation-state. For others, this change has brought us on the verge of losing our civilisational character of being inclusive but not any less Hindu. Is it possible to bring these groups with divergent views to discuss each other's point of view? And do so reasonably, with an open mind? Rajeev Bhargava thinks it is. He believes that the legitimate concerns of all those disenchanted with the idea of an inclusive, pluralist India can actually be addressed within the basic framework of India's constitutional democracy. Through these short, elegant and lucid reflections on contemporary events, he takes the readers to the founding narrative of the republic and clarifies its ethical ideals. Readers are asked to join the process of reflection, to criticise with empathy, particularly where the moral compass to properly guide individual and collective action is lost and offer positive appraisals where due. If we get the fundamentals of our original ethical vision right, then, Bhargava subtly suggests, we might yet save our country from further polarisation and may even heal some of its divisions.

    Bhargava, Rajeev. Between Hope and Despair: 100 Ethical Reflections on Contemporary India. New Delhi: Bloomsbury India, 2022. 


    Bridging Two Worlds

    Comparing Classical Political Thought and Statecraft in India and China

    Amitav Acharya, Daniel A. Bell, Rajeev Bhargava, and Yan Xuetong, eds.

    Bridging Two Worlds

    The rise of China and India could be the most important political development of the twenty-first century. What will the foreign policies of China and India look like in the future? What should they look like? And what can each country learn from the other? Bridging Two Worlds gathers a coterie of experts in the field, analyzing profound political thinkers from these ancient regions whose theories of interstate relations set the terms for the debates today. This volume is the first work of its kind and is essential reading for anyone interested in the growth of China and India and what it means for the rest of the world.

    Acharya, Amitav, Daniel A. Bell, Rajeev Bhargava, and Yan Xuetong, eds. Bridging Two Worlds: Comparing Classical Political Thought and Statecraft in India and China. California: Universtiy of California Press, 2023.


    Global Sceptical Publics

    From Non-Religious Print Media to ‘Digital Atheism'

    Jacob Copeman, and Mascha Schulz, eds.

    Global Sceptical Publics

    Global Sceptical Publics is the first major study of the significance of different media for the (re)production of non-religious publics and publicity. While much work has documented how religious subjectivities are shaped by media, until now the crucial role of diverse media for producing and participating in religion-sceptical publics and debates has remained under-researched. With some chapters focusing on locations hitherto barely considered by scholarship on non-religion, the book places in comparative perspective how atheists, secularists and humanists engage with media – as means of communication and forming non-religious publics, but also on occasion as something to be resisted. Its conceptually rich interdisciplinary chapters thereby contribute important new insights to the growing field of non-religion studies and to scholarship on media and materiality more generally.

    Copeman, Jacob, and Mascha Schulz, eds. Global Sceptical Publics: From Non-Religious Print Media to ‘Digital Atheism'. London: UCL Press, 2022.

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    Multiple Secularities in Africa

    Special Issue of Journal of Religion in Africa

    Marian Burchardt, Magnus Echtler and Katharina Wilkens, eds.

    Multiple Secularities in Africa

    This special issue tackles epistemological distortions and blind spots through empirical and historical studies of African secularities, of the ways in which Africans have socially enacted and discursively framed the religious – secular distinction and thus filled it with cultural meaning. We trace genealogies of the religious and the secular in Africa and the diaspora, search for possible conceptual and institutional precursors in precolonial societies, and discuss the heuristic values of divergent conceptualisations. The contributors analyze the colonial formations of secularities and their transformations through anticolonial struggles and in African revolutions, taking heed of the variations in Anglo-, Franco- and Lusophone Africa. Do African socialisms, negritude, pan-Africanism, black consciousness, or Ubuntu propagate secularity? A further area of inquiry is the institutional and legal organization of religious plurality vis-à-vis the state and its executive institutions (e.g., public administration, police, infrastructure development). How do African states and civil societies deal with conflicts between the norms of religious or cultural communities and individual rights, be it freedom from religion/custom, gender equality, or sexual orientation (Igwe 2019; Mokoena 2022; Mutua 2008; Parsitau 2021)? How is religious plurality enacted and contested in the public arena? Are African traditions included or excluded (Echtler 2022; Goshadze 2019)? Beyond state politics and the public sphere, social differentiation is also produced in everyday interactions: how are various social domains demarcated (science, law, economy, medicine, education, arts, and so on) and how do they relate to the religious domain? Based on the analysis of the power/knowledge topography of secularities in Africa, this special issue explores their decolonizing potential for Africa and for the study of the secular.

    Burchardt, Marian, Magnus Echtler and Katharina Wilkens, eds. Multiple Secularities in Africa. Special Issue, Journal of Religion in Africa 54, no. 3 (2024).

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    Global Secularity. A Sourcebook

    Volume 2: The Middle East and North Africa

    Florian Zemmin, Neguin Yavari, Markus Dressler and Nurit Stadler, eds.

    Global Secularity. A Sourcebook

    This volume collects reflections on secularity from the Middle East and North Africa. To highlight proximate connections as well as resonances with debates elsewhere, it includes premodern contributions from the region as well as Jewish thought from Europe that have provided significant references for modern appropriations of secularity. The texts, for the most part previously untranslated, reflect commonalities within the region as well as its great diversity. Thus, while Islam is a common reference for most of our authors, the selections point to its varied invocations in the interest of differing political ends. Others write from a Christian or Jewish perspective, or subscribe to non-religious intellectual traditions. They range from premodern Muslim jurisprudents and philosophers to Ottoman statesmen, Arab socialist and nationalist intellectuals of the interwar period, Iranian revolutionaries, Israeli novelists, and finally, post-secular intellectuals, lay and religious, predominantly from the former Islamic heartland: modern Arab states and Iran. Several introductions weave together the swathe of topics raised in the discussions, beginning with a schematic presentation of the concerns that undergird the volume’s organization.

    Zemmin, Florian, Neguin Yavari, Markus Dressler, and Nurit Stadler, eds. Global Secularity: A Sourcebook. Vol 2, The Middle East and North Africa. Boston, MA: De Gruyter, 2024.

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    Global Secularity. A Sourcebook

    Volume 1: Mapping the Academic Debate

    Johannes Duschka, Christoph Kleine, Monika Wohlrab-Sahr, and Florian Zemmin, eds.

    Global Secularity. A Sourcebook

    This volume maps the international academic debate on secularity. It places seminal contributions from within ‘Western’ academia alongside less well-known texts from various parts of the world; in several cases this is the first time that they have been translated into English. The volume demonstrates that the academic debate on secularity was and is a global debate, with contributions from many regions. The collected texts relate to each other either directly or indirectly by referring to similar arguments – whether reinforcing or criticising them – and thus create a discourse. When speaking of global secularity, we therefore do not insinuate a uniform ‘world secularity’ resulting from the alleged global diffusion of ‘Western’ norms, ideas and concepts. It is rather a web of relations that is constituted via various different references. These references are not evenly distributed: the development in ‘the West’ is often the point of reference to which positions from other regions relate, to which they connect, or from which they distance themselves. But the references are not completely unidirectional: We also present texts from Europe that underline the multidirectionality of the process, even early on. Thereby, the volume offers the reader the material with which to trace these global exchanges and references.

    Duschka, Johannes, Christoph Kleine, Monika Wohlrab-Sahr, and Florian Zemmin, eds. Global Secularity: A Sourcebook. Vol. 1, Mapping the Academic Debate. Boston: De Gruyter, 2024.

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    Der Islam als akademische Praxis

    Von der biographischen Islamizität zum pluralen Islam

    Lena Dreier

    Der Islam als akademische Praxis

    Vom Studienfach Islamische Theologie, vor elf Jahren gegründet, erwartete man sich politisch die Ausbildung integrationsfördernder Imame. Die Autorin geht empirisch der Frage nach, wie die Studierenden mit diesen Erwartungen umgehen. Die Sinnzuschreibungen der Akteure, so zeigt sich, sind eng verknüpft mit dem Umgang des Staates mit Religion wie auch der akademischen Disziplin mit dem Islam. Im Ergebnis zeigt

    sich das Konzept der biographischen Islamizität, einer zentralen Erfahrungsweise von Muslimen in Minderheitsverhältnissen. Die Fachbeteiligten institutionalisieren das Bild eines pluralen Islams. Das Buch liefert einen religionssoziologischen Beitragzum Verständnis religiös-säkularer Konstellationen in der Gesellschaft.

    Dreier, Lena. Der Islam als akademische Praxis. Von der biographischen Islamizität zum pluralen Islam. Religion der Gesellschaft 51. Baden-Baden: Ergon, 2023.

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    The Bloomsbury Handbook of Religion and Heritage in Contemporary Europe

    Todd H. Weir and Lieke Wijnia, eds.

    The Bloomsbury Handbook of Religion and Heritage in Contemporary Europe

    This open access Handbook provides state-of-the-art scholarship on religious heritage in contemporary Europe, aimed at scholars, practitioners and policy makers. It contains articles by both scholars and heritage practitioners, and explores the key challenges facing organizations, churches, and governments, as well as academics studying religion and heritage.

    Divided into three parts, the book brings together critical analysis and an exploration of best practices, structured along major themes, including tourism, the (post)secular, economics, multiple usages, Jewish heritage, Muslim heritage, museums, contemporary art, and architecture.

    The book explores how historic places of worship, including churches, synagogues, and mosques in Europe, are among the most heavily visited heritage sites worldwide, yet declining church attendance means that many, historic churches are being repurposed. It also examines the key role religious heritage plays in political discourse, both in the interest of including and excluding religious minorities.

    Weir, Todd H., and Lieke Wijnia, eds. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Religion and Heritage in Contemporary Europe. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023.

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    Red Secularism

    Socialism and Secularist Culture in Germany 1890 to 1933

    Todd H. Weir

    Red Secularism

    Red Secularism is the first substantive investigation into one of the key sources of radicalism in modern German, the subculture that arose at the intersection of secularism and socialism in the late nineteenth-century. It explores the organizations that promoted their humanistic-monistic worldview through popular science and asks how this worldview shaped the biographies of ambitious self-educated workers and early feminists. Todd H. Weir shows how generations of secularist intellectuals staked out leading positions in the Social Democratic Party, but often lost them due to their penchant for dissent. Moving between local and national developments, this book examines the crucial role of red secularism in the political struggles over religion that rocked Germany and fed into the National Socialist dictatorship of 1933.

    Weir, Todd H. Red Secularism. Socialism and Secularist Culture in Germany 1890 to 1933. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023.


    Islamic Modernities in World Society

    The Rise, Spread, and Fragmentation of a Hegemonic Idea

    Dietrich Jung

    Islamic Modernities in World Society

    How is one “authentically” modern? Substantively drawing on contemporary social theory, this book inverstigates the multiplicity of answers that Muslims have given to this question since the end of the nineteenth century. Through six historical and thematic case studies, the author examines the historical evolution of multiple modernities within Islam. The book argues that we can observe the rise and spread of a relatively hegemonic idea according to which the relation to Islamic traditions bestows projects of Muslim modernities with cultural authenticity. At the same time, it provides an interpretation of this specifically Islamic discourse of modernity as an inherent part of global modernity in conceptual terms understood as the ergence of world society.


    Jung, Dietrich. Islamic Modernities in World Society. The Rise, Spread, and Fragmentation of an Hegemonic Idea. Edinburgh Studies of the Globalised Muslim World. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2023.


    Grenzen der Religion

    Säkularität in der Asiatischen Religionsgeschichte

    Max Deeg, Oliver Freiberger, Christoph Kleine, and Karénina Kollmar-Paulenz, eds.

    Grenzen der Religion

    Ist die Unterscheidung zwischen Religiösem und Säkularem – d.h. Säkularität – wirklich eine Eigenheit der westlichen Moderne, wie oft behauptet wird? Oder gibt es auch in vormodernen Gesellschaften Asiens vergleichbare Unterscheidungen? Dieser Band geht anhand von zehn Beispielen dieser Frage nach. Dabei wird deutlich, dass auch in der asiatischen Religionsgeschichte analoge binäre Unterscheidungen in verschiedenen kulturspezifischen Varianten nachweisbar sind. Diese wirken bis heute nach und begründen eine globale Vielfalt von Säkularitäten, die nicht einfach als Varianten eines europäischen Modells betrachtet werden können.

    Deeg, Max, Oliver Freiberger, Christoph Kleine, and Karénina Kollmar-Paulenz, eds. Grenzen der Religion: Säkularität in der Asiatischen Religionsgeschichte. Critical Studies in Religion/Religionswissenschaft 107. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2023.


    Global Perspectives on Religion as an Object of Historical and Social Scientific Study

    Florian Zemmin, ed.

    Global Perspectives on Religion as an Object of Historical and Social Scientific Study

    The workshop saw the presentation of eighteen papers, addressing the foregoing and related questions. One third of these papers were devel-oped into contributions to this special issue. Whilst certainly not an arbitrary selection, they are a contingent reflection of the discussions in our workshop, insofar as several other contributions did not come to be included in this issue due to constraints of time. A central dimension that came to be largely absent concerns the institutional presence of scientific approaches to religion in different regional and national contexts, not least China, India, Japan, and Latin America. For researchers working on these, the reader may be directed to the overall programme of the work-shop, from which the foregoing quote is taken and which is still visible online, including the abstracts of all contributions.

    Zemmin, Florian, ed. "Global Perspectives on Religion as an Object of Historical and Social Scientific Study." Special issue, Implicit Religion 24, no. 3–4 (2023).


    Translated Religion

    In a Forest of True Words

    ​Katja Triplett, ed.

    Translated Religion

    The history of religion is always a history of translation, too. When religious speech is transcribed, holy scripture is created – sacred writings that are considered to apply to everyone. Translating holy writings in order to spread one’s own religion poses major challenges for translators, such as how to bridge the often considerable gaps between source and target languages. Sometimes the languages belong to different language families. Sometimes the original language is extinct and knowledge of it is hazy. In some religious traditions, a particular language or register is reserved for holy scripture, and adherents may regard the translation of their holy book into a vernacular as reprehensible. Another challenge is posed by the wide range of writing systems and alphabets used to represent the plethora of languages past and present. Note that translation is not limited to the written word, for religious images are also ‘translated’ when they are transposed into a new context.
    Equally, some writers put holy words in the mouths of certain
    authority figures, using a form of creative ‘translation’ to publicise a particular religious interpretation and claim its legitimacy. Another kind of translation takes place between different media, one especially popular form being the translation of knowledge and information gained from images into texts and vice versa.
    In this catalogue, researchers from various disciplines use exam
    ples to explore translation shifts between oral and written texts, between literature and religion, between schools of the same religion, between different religious traditions, and, finally, between academia and religion. The exhibition Translated Religion is also intended as a showcase of current scholarly efforts to ‘translate’ historical texts and images from the holdings of Leipzig University Library into an intelligible form for visitors.

    Katja Triplett, ed. Translated Religion: In a Forest of True Words, translated by Chris Abbey, with contributions by Thandi Allen. Exhibition Catalogue. Schriften aus der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 53. Leipzig: Universitätsverlag Leipzig, 2023.

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    On the Philosophy of Recognition and Identity Politics

    Critique of the Culturalist Approach to Arab Islamic Culture

    Housamedden Darwish

    On the Philosophy of Recognition and Identity Politics

    This book is about the concept of recognition and the discussion of its meaning, connotations, and its strong presence in contemporary (Western) philosophy on the one hand and in Arab reality and thought on the other. On this basis, this book contains a theoretical approach to the issue of recognition and related ideas (such as justice, tolerance, and human rights) and policies and/or approaches (such as identity politics and the culturalist and/or racist approach). On this basis, this book's critical examination of the close and negative connection of recognition theory with identity politics parallels and overlaps with the critical examination of the culturalist approach, which interprets "everything" in (Muslims) society and the state with the prevailing culture there.

    Darwish, Housamedden. On the Philosophy of Recognition and Identity Politics: Critique of the Culturalist Approach to Arab Islamic Culture. Beirut & al-Sharjah: Mominoun without Borders, 2023.


    Handbuch Religionskunde in Deutschland

    Wanda Alberts, Horst Junginger, Katharina Neef, and Christina Wöstemeyer, eds.

    Handbuch Religionskunde in Deutschland

    Das Handbuch Religionskunde in Deutschland analysiert nicht-konfessionellen religionsbezogenen Unterricht in der Schule aus religionswissenschaftlicher Sicht. Die für diesen Unterricht essentielle säkulare religionskundliche Perspektive wird einleitend mit ihren inhaltlichen und strukturellen Konsequenzen beschrieben und von religiösen und interreligiösen Perspektiven abgegrenzt. Darauf aufbauend wird die Lage der Religionskunde in Deutschland in systematisch-vergleichenden, historischen und bundeslandspezifischen Kapiteln mit Blick auf die sich wandelnden Kontexte und Dynamiken von staatlichem Neutralitätsanspruch, Religionsfreiheit, Gesetzgebung und gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen analysiert. Hierbei wird konsequent die religiös unabhängige religionskundliche Perspektive („learning about religion") im Kontext der jeweiligen bildungspolitischen Diskurse fokussiert. Die Analyse von Religionskunde in ausführlichen Kapiteln über alle 16 Bundesländer zeigt, dass Religionskunde im deutschen Schulsystem weitgehend eine Leerstelle darstellt, obwohl die Relevanz des Themas bildungspolitisch durchgehend betont wird. Hier zeigt das Handbuch Handlungsbedarf bezüglich der Implementierung und religionswissenschaftlichen Fundierung von Religionskunde.

  • Wissenschaftlich fundierter Beitrag zur aktuellen Debatte
  • Übersichtliche, aktuelle Kapitel und Überblicksgrafiken zu jedem Bundesland
  • Systematische und historische Erfassung des nicht-konfessionellen religions- und ethikbezogenen Unterrichts

  • Alberts, Wanda, Horst Junginger, Katharina Neef, and Christina Wöstemeyer, eds. Handbuch Religionskunde in Deutschland. De Gruyter Praxishandbuch. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023.

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    Islam in Global Modernity

    Sociological Theory and the Diversity of Islamic Modernities

    Dietrich Jung

    Islam in Global Modernity

    This book combines sociological theorising with studies on the Middle East and Islam. The diversity of modernities that can be observed in our world is linked to the claim of living in a global modernity, in a world society. The book underpins this claim with numerous excursions into Islamic history. It criticises the view that modernisation can be equated with westernisation and considers different projects of specifically Islamic modernities as integral parts of world society. From this perspective, the study contributes to the "provincialisation" of European history in contemporary social scientific thought. Contrary to the theories of postcolonialism associated with the call for the provincialisation of Europe, however, this book adheres to essential traditions of classical sociology. It thus aims to make a contribution to the social theoretical discussion on modernity, which is empirically underpinned with the help of data from the history of the Middle East and Islam. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence. A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content.

    Jung, Dietrich. Islam in Global Modernity: Sociological Theory and the Diversity of Islamic Modernities. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien, 2023.


    Between Hope and Despair

    100 Ethical Reflections on Contemporary India

    Rajeev Bhargava

    Between Hope and Despair

    India's collective ethical identity is under duress. We don't seem to currently agree on what our collective good is. Some groups believe that India is finally rediscovering its Hindu identity and becoming a great nation-state. For others, this change has brought us on the verge of losing our civilisational character of being inclusive but not any less Hindu. Is it possible to bring these groups with divergent views to discuss each other's point of view? And do so reasonably, with an open mind? Rajeev Bhargava thinks it is. He believes that the legitimate concerns of all those disenchanted with the idea of an inclusive, pluralist India can actually be addressed within the basic framework of India's constitutional democracy. Through these short, elegant and lucid reflections on contemporary events, he takes the readers to the founding narrative of the republic and clarifies its ethical ideals. Readers are asked to join the process of reflection, to criticise with empathy, particularly where the moral compass to properly guide individual and collective action is lost and offer positive appraisals where due. If we get the fundamentals of our original ethical vision right, then, Bhargava subtly suggests, we might yet save our country from further polarisation and may even heal some of its divisions.

    Bhargava, Rajeev. Between Hope and Despair: 100 Ethical Reflections on Contemporary India. New Delhi: Bloomsbury India, 2022. 


    Bridging Two Worlds

    Comparing Classical Political Thought and Statecraft in India and China

    Amitav Acharya, Daniel A. Bell, Rajeev Bhargava, and Yan Xuetong, eds.

    Bridging Two Worlds

    The rise of China and India could be the most important political development of the twenty-first century. What will the foreign policies of China and India look like in the future? What should they look like? And what can each country learn from the other? Bridging Two Worlds gathers a coterie of experts in the field, analyzing profound political thinkers from these ancient regions whose theories of interstate relations set the terms for the debates today. This volume is the first work of its kind and is essential reading for anyone interested in the growth of China and India and what it means for the rest of the world.

    Acharya, Amitav, Daniel A. Bell, Rajeev Bhargava, and Yan Xuetong, eds. Bridging Two Worlds: Comparing Classical Political Thought and Statecraft in India and China. California: Universtiy of California Press, 2023.


    Global Sceptical Publics

    From Non-Religious Print Media to ‘Digital Atheism'

    Jacob Copeman, and Mascha Schulz, eds.

    Global Sceptical Publics

    Global Sceptical Publics is the first major study of the significance of different media for the (re)production of non-religious publics and publicity. While much work has documented how religious subjectivities are shaped by media, until now the crucial role of diverse media for producing and participating in religion-sceptical publics and debates has remained under-researched. With some chapters focusing on locations hitherto barely considered by scholarship on non-religion, the book places in comparative perspective how atheists, secularists and humanists engage with media – as means of communication and forming non-religious publics, but also on occasion as something to be resisted. Its conceptually rich interdisciplinary chapters thereby contribute important new insights to the growing field of non-religion studies and to scholarship on media and materiality more generally.

    Copeman, Jacob, and Mascha Schulz, eds. Global Sceptical Publics: From Non-Religious Print Media to ‘Digital Atheism'. London: UCL Press, 2022.

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    Multiple Secularities in Africa

    Special Issue of Journal of Religion in Africa

    Marian Burchardt, Magnus Echtler and Katharina Wilkens, eds.

    Multiple Secularities in Africa

    This special issue tackles epistemological distortions and blind spots through empirical and historical studies of African secularities, of the ways in which Africans have socially enacted and discursively framed the religious – secular distinction and thus filled it with cultural meaning. We trace genealogies of the religious and the secular in Africa and the diaspora, search for possible conceptual and institutional precursors in precolonial societies, and discuss the heuristic values of divergent conceptualisations. The contributors analyze the colonial formations of secularities and their transformations through anticolonial struggles and in African revolutions, taking heed of the variations in Anglo-, Franco- and Lusophone Africa. Do African socialisms, negritude, pan-Africanism, black consciousness, or Ubuntu propagate secularity? A further area of inquiry is the institutional and legal organization of religious plurality vis-à-vis the state and its executive institutions (e.g., public administration, police, infrastructure development). How do African states and civil societies deal with conflicts between the norms of religious or cultural communities and individual rights, be it freedom from religion/custom, gender equality, or sexual orientation (Igwe 2019; Mokoena 2022; Mutua 2008; Parsitau 2021)? How is religious plurality enacted and contested in the public arena? Are African traditions included or excluded (Echtler 2022; Goshadze 2019)? Beyond state politics and the public sphere, social differentiation is also produced in everyday interactions: how are various social domains demarcated (science, law, economy, medicine, education, arts, and so on) and how do they relate to the religious domain? Based on the analysis of the power/knowledge topography of secularities in Africa, this special issue explores their decolonizing potential for Africa and for the study of the secular.

    Burchardt, Marian, Magnus Echtler and Katharina Wilkens, eds. Multiple Secularities in Africa. Special Issue, Journal of Religion in Africa 54, no. 3 (2024).

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    Global Secularity. A Sourcebook

    Volume 2: The Middle East and North Africa

    Florian Zemmin, Neguin Yavari, Markus Dressler and Nurit Stadler, eds.

    Global Secularity. A Sourcebook

    This volume collects reflections on secularity from the Middle East and North Africa. To highlight proximate connections as well as resonances with debates elsewhere, it includes premodern contributions from the region as well as Jewish thought from Europe that have provided significant references for modern appropriations of secularity. The texts, for the most part previously untranslated, reflect commonalities within the region as well as its great diversity. Thus, while Islam is a common reference for most of our authors, the selections point to its varied invocations in the interest of differing political ends. Others write from a Christian or Jewish perspective, or subscribe to non-religious intellectual traditions. They range from premodern Muslim jurisprudents and philosophers to Ottoman statesmen, Arab socialist and nationalist intellectuals of the interwar period, Iranian revolutionaries, Israeli novelists, and finally, post-secular intellectuals, lay and religious, predominantly from the former Islamic heartland: modern Arab states and Iran. Several introductions weave together the swathe of topics raised in the discussions, beginning with a schematic presentation of the concerns that undergird the volume’s organization.

    Zemmin, Florian, Neguin Yavari, Markus Dressler, and Nurit Stadler, eds. Global Secularity: A Sourcebook. Vol 2, The Middle East and North Africa. Boston, MA: De Gruyter, 2024.

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    Global Secularity. A Sourcebook

    Volume 1: Mapping the Academic Debate

    Johannes Duschka, Christoph Kleine, Monika Wohlrab-Sahr, and Florian Zemmin, eds.

    Global Secularity. A Sourcebook

    This volume maps the international academic debate on secularity. It places seminal contributions from within ‘Western’ academia alongside less well-known texts from various parts of the world; in several cases this is the first time that they have been translated into English. The volume demonstrates that the academic debate on secularity was and is a global debate, with contributions from many regions. The collected texts relate to each other either directly or indirectly by referring to similar arguments – whether reinforcing or criticising them – and thus create a discourse. When speaking of global secularity, we therefore do not insinuate a uniform ‘world secularity’ resulting from the alleged global diffusion of ‘Western’ norms, ideas and concepts. It is rather a web of relations that is constituted via various different references. These references are not evenly distributed: the development in ‘the West’ is often the point of reference to which positions from other regions relate, to which they connect, or from which they distance themselves. But the references are not completely unidirectional: We also present texts from Europe that underline the multidirectionality of the process, even early on. Thereby, the volume offers the reader the material with which to trace these global exchanges and references.

    Duschka, Johannes, Christoph Kleine, Monika Wohlrab-Sahr, and Florian Zemmin, eds. Global Secularity: A Sourcebook. Vol. 1, Mapping the Academic Debate. Boston: De Gruyter, 2024.

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    Der Islam als akademische Praxis

    Von der biographischen Islamizität zum pluralen Islam

    Lena Dreier

    Der Islam als akademische Praxis

    Vom Studienfach Islamische Theologie, vor elf Jahren gegründet, erwartete man sich politisch die Ausbildung integrationsfördernder Imame. Die Autorin geht empirisch der Frage nach, wie die Studierenden mit diesen Erwartungen umgehen. Die Sinnzuschreibungen der Akteure, so zeigt sich, sind eng verknüpft mit dem Umgang des Staates mit Religion wie auch der akademischen Disziplin mit dem Islam. Im Ergebnis zeigt

    sich das Konzept der biographischen Islamizität, einer zentralen Erfahrungsweise von Muslimen in Minderheitsverhältnissen. Die Fachbeteiligten institutionalisieren das Bild eines pluralen Islams. Das Buch liefert einen religionssoziologischen Beitragzum Verständnis religiös-säkularer Konstellationen in der Gesellschaft.

    Dreier, Lena. Der Islam als akademische Praxis. Von der biographischen Islamizität zum pluralen Islam. Religion der Gesellschaft 51. Baden-Baden: Ergon, 2023.

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    The Bloomsbury Handbook of Religion and Heritage in Contemporary Europe

    Todd H. Weir and Lieke Wijnia, eds.

    The Bloomsbury Handbook of Religion and Heritage in Contemporary Europe

    This open access Handbook provides state-of-the-art scholarship on religious heritage in contemporary Europe, aimed at scholars, practitioners and policy makers. It contains articles by both scholars and heritage practitioners, and explores the key challenges facing organizations, churches, and governments, as well as academics studying religion and heritage.

    Divided into three parts, the book brings together critical analysis and an exploration of best practices, structured along major themes, including tourism, the (post)secular, economics, multiple usages, Jewish heritage, Muslim heritage, museums, contemporary art, and architecture.

    The book explores how historic places of worship, including churches, synagogues, and mosques in Europe, are among the most heavily visited heritage sites worldwide, yet declining church attendance means that many, historic churches are being repurposed. It also examines the key role religious heritage plays in political discourse, both in the interest of including and excluding religious minorities.

    Weir, Todd H., and Lieke Wijnia, eds. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Religion and Heritage in Contemporary Europe. London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2023.

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    Red Secularism

    Socialism and Secularist Culture in Germany 1890 to 1933

    Todd H. Weir

    Red Secularism

    Red Secularism is the first substantive investigation into one of the key sources of radicalism in modern German, the subculture that arose at the intersection of secularism and socialism in the late nineteenth-century. It explores the organizations that promoted their humanistic-monistic worldview through popular science and asks how this worldview shaped the biographies of ambitious self-educated workers and early feminists. Todd H. Weir shows how generations of secularist intellectuals staked out leading positions in the Social Democratic Party, but often lost them due to their penchant for dissent. Moving between local and national developments, this book examines the crucial role of red secularism in the political struggles over religion that rocked Germany and fed into the National Socialist dictatorship of 1933.

    Weir, Todd H. Red Secularism. Socialism and Secularist Culture in Germany 1890 to 1933. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2023.


    Islamic Modernities in World Society

    The Rise, Spread, and Fragmentation of a Hegemonic Idea

    Dietrich Jung

    Islamic Modernities in World Society

    How is one “authentically” modern? Substantively drawing on contemporary social theory, this book inverstigates the multiplicity of answers that Muslims have given to this question since the end of the nineteenth century. Through six historical and thematic case studies, the author examines the historical evolution of multiple modernities within Islam. The book argues that we can observe the rise and spread of a relatively hegemonic idea according to which the relation to Islamic traditions bestows projects of Muslim modernities with cultural authenticity. At the same time, it provides an interpretation of this specifically Islamic discourse of modernity as an inherent part of global modernity in conceptual terms understood as the ergence of world society.


    Jung, Dietrich. Islamic Modernities in World Society. The Rise, Spread, and Fragmentation of an Hegemonic Idea. Edinburgh Studies of the Globalised Muslim World. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2023.


    Grenzen der Religion

    Säkularität in der Asiatischen Religionsgeschichte

    Max Deeg, Oliver Freiberger, Christoph Kleine, and Karénina Kollmar-Paulenz, eds.

    Grenzen der Religion

    Ist die Unterscheidung zwischen Religiösem und Säkularem – d.h. Säkularität – wirklich eine Eigenheit der westlichen Moderne, wie oft behauptet wird? Oder gibt es auch in vormodernen Gesellschaften Asiens vergleichbare Unterscheidungen? Dieser Band geht anhand von zehn Beispielen dieser Frage nach. Dabei wird deutlich, dass auch in der asiatischen Religionsgeschichte analoge binäre Unterscheidungen in verschiedenen kulturspezifischen Varianten nachweisbar sind. Diese wirken bis heute nach und begründen eine globale Vielfalt von Säkularitäten, die nicht einfach als Varianten eines europäischen Modells betrachtet werden können.

    Deeg, Max, Oliver Freiberger, Christoph Kleine, and Karénina Kollmar-Paulenz, eds. Grenzen der Religion: Säkularität in der Asiatischen Religionsgeschichte. Critical Studies in Religion/Religionswissenschaft 107. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2023.


    Global Perspectives on Religion as an Object of Historical and Social Scientific Study

    Florian Zemmin, ed.

    Global Perspectives on Religion as an Object of Historical and Social Scientific Study

    The workshop saw the presentation of eighteen papers, addressing the foregoing and related questions. One third of these papers were devel-oped into contributions to this special issue. Whilst certainly not an arbitrary selection, they are a contingent reflection of the discussions in our workshop, insofar as several other contributions did not come to be included in this issue due to constraints of time. A central dimension that came to be largely absent concerns the institutional presence of scientific approaches to religion in different regional and national contexts, not least China, India, Japan, and Latin America. For researchers working on these, the reader may be directed to the overall programme of the work-shop, from which the foregoing quote is taken and which is still visible online, including the abstracts of all contributions.

    Zemmin, Florian, ed. "Global Perspectives on Religion as an Object of Historical and Social Scientific Study." Special issue, Implicit Religion 24, no. 3–4 (2023).


    Translated Religion

    In a Forest of True Words

    ​Katja Triplett, ed.

    Translated Religion

    The history of religion is always a history of translation, too. When religious speech is transcribed, holy scripture is created – sacred writings that are considered to apply to everyone. Translating holy writings in order to spread one’s own religion poses major challenges for translators, such as how to bridge the often considerable gaps between source and target languages. Sometimes the languages belong to different language families. Sometimes the original language is extinct and knowledge of it is hazy. In some religious traditions, a particular language or register is reserved for holy scripture, and adherents may regard the translation of their holy book into a vernacular as reprehensible. Another challenge is posed by the wide range of writing systems and alphabets used to represent the plethora of languages past and present. Note that translation is not limited to the written word, for religious images are also ‘translated’ when they are transposed into a new context.
    Equally, some writers put holy words in the mouths of certain
    authority figures, using a form of creative ‘translation’ to publicise a particular religious interpretation and claim its legitimacy. Another kind of translation takes place between different media, one especially popular form being the translation of knowledge and information gained from images into texts and vice versa.
    In this catalogue, researchers from various disciplines use exam
    ples to explore translation shifts between oral and written texts, between literature and religion, between schools of the same religion, between different religious traditions, and, finally, between academia and religion. The exhibition Translated Religion is also intended as a showcase of current scholarly efforts to ‘translate’ historical texts and images from the holdings of Leipzig University Library into an intelligible form for visitors.

    Katja Triplett, ed. Translated Religion: In a Forest of True Words, translated by Chris Abbey, with contributions by Thandi Allen. Exhibition Catalogue. Schriften aus der Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig, 53. Leipzig: Universitätsverlag Leipzig, 2023.

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    On the Philosophy of Recognition and Identity Politics

    Critique of the Culturalist Approach to Arab Islamic Culture

    Housamedden Darwish

    On the Philosophy of Recognition and Identity Politics

    This book is about the concept of recognition and the discussion of its meaning, connotations, and its strong presence in contemporary (Western) philosophy on the one hand and in Arab reality and thought on the other. On this basis, this book contains a theoretical approach to the issue of recognition and related ideas (such as justice, tolerance, and human rights) and policies and/or approaches (such as identity politics and the culturalist and/or racist approach). On this basis, this book's critical examination of the close and negative connection of recognition theory with identity politics parallels and overlaps with the critical examination of the culturalist approach, which interprets "everything" in (Muslims) society and the state with the prevailing culture there.

    Darwish, Housamedden. On the Philosophy of Recognition and Identity Politics: Critique of the Culturalist Approach to Arab Islamic Culture. Beirut & al-Sharjah: Mominoun without Borders, 2023.


    Handbuch Religionskunde in Deutschland

    Wanda Alberts, Horst Junginger, Katharina Neef, and Christina Wöstemeyer, eds.

    Handbuch Religionskunde in Deutschland

    Das Handbuch Religionskunde in Deutschland analysiert nicht-konfessionellen religionsbezogenen Unterricht in der Schule aus religionswissenschaftlicher Sicht. Die für diesen Unterricht essentielle säkulare religionskundliche Perspektive wird einleitend mit ihren inhaltlichen und strukturellen Konsequenzen beschrieben und von religiösen und interreligiösen Perspektiven abgegrenzt. Darauf aufbauend wird die Lage der Religionskunde in Deutschland in systematisch-vergleichenden, historischen und bundeslandspezifischen Kapiteln mit Blick auf die sich wandelnden Kontexte und Dynamiken von staatlichem Neutralitätsanspruch, Religionsfreiheit, Gesetzgebung und gesellschaftlichen Entwicklungen analysiert. Hierbei wird konsequent die religiös unabhängige religionskundliche Perspektive („learning about religion") im Kontext der jeweiligen bildungspolitischen Diskurse fokussiert. Die Analyse von Religionskunde in ausführlichen Kapiteln über alle 16 Bundesländer zeigt, dass Religionskunde im deutschen Schulsystem weitgehend eine Leerstelle darstellt, obwohl die Relevanz des Themas bildungspolitisch durchgehend betont wird. Hier zeigt das Handbuch Handlungsbedarf bezüglich der Implementierung und religionswissenschaftlichen Fundierung von Religionskunde.

  • Wissenschaftlich fundierter Beitrag zur aktuellen Debatte
  • Übersichtliche, aktuelle Kapitel und Überblicksgrafiken zu jedem Bundesland
  • Systematische und historische Erfassung des nicht-konfessionellen religions- und ethikbezogenen Unterrichts

  • Alberts, Wanda, Horst Junginger, Katharina Neef, and Christina Wöstemeyer, eds. Handbuch Religionskunde in Deutschland. De Gruyter Praxishandbuch. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023.

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    Islam in Global Modernity

    Sociological Theory and the Diversity of Islamic Modernities

    Dietrich Jung

    Islam in Global Modernity

    This book combines sociological theorising with studies on the Middle East and Islam. The diversity of modernities that can be observed in our world is linked to the claim of living in a global modernity, in a world society. The book underpins this claim with numerous excursions into Islamic history. It criticises the view that modernisation can be equated with westernisation and considers different projects of specifically Islamic modernities as integral parts of world society. From this perspective, the study contributes to the "provincialisation" of European history in contemporary social scientific thought. Contrary to the theories of postcolonialism associated with the call for the provincialisation of Europe, however, this book adheres to essential traditions of classical sociology. It thus aims to make a contribution to the social theoretical discussion on modernity, which is empirically underpinned with the help of data from the history of the Middle East and Islam. The translation was done with the help of artificial intelligence. A subsequent human revision was done primarily in terms of content.

    Jung, Dietrich. Islam in Global Modernity: Sociological Theory and the Diversity of Islamic Modernities. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien, 2023.


    Between Hope and Despair

    100 Ethical Reflections on Contemporary India

    Rajeev Bhargava

    Between Hope and Despair

    India's collective ethical identity is under duress. We don't seem to currently agree on what our collective good is. Some groups believe that India is finally rediscovering its Hindu identity and becoming a great nation-state. For others, this change has brought us on the verge of losing our civilisational character of being inclusive but not any less Hindu. Is it possible to bring these groups with divergent views to discuss each other's point of view? And do so reasonably, with an open mind? Rajeev Bhargava thinks it is. He believes that the legitimate concerns of all those disenchanted with the idea of an inclusive, pluralist India can actually be addressed within the basic framework of India's constitutional democracy. Through these short, elegant and lucid reflections on contemporary events, he takes the readers to the founding narrative of the republic and clarifies its ethical ideals. Readers are asked to join the process of reflection, to criticise with empathy, particularly where the moral compass to properly guide individual and collective action is lost and offer positive appraisals where due. If we get the fundamentals of our original ethical vision right, then, Bhargava subtly suggests, we might yet save our country from further polarisation and may even heal some of its divisions.

    Bhargava, Rajeev. Between Hope and Despair: 100 Ethical Reflections on Contemporary India. New Delhi: Bloomsbury India, 2022. 


    Bridging Two Worlds

    Comparing Classical Political Thought and Statecraft in India and China

    Amitav Acharya, Daniel A. Bell, Rajeev Bhargava, and Yan Xuetong, eds.

    Bridging Two Worlds

    The rise of China and India could be the most important political development of the twenty-first century. What will the foreign policies of China and India look like in the future? What should they look like? And what can each country learn from the other? Bridging Two Worlds gathers a coterie of experts in the field, analyzing profound political thinkers from these ancient regions whose theories of interstate relations set the terms for the debates today. This volume is the first work of its kind and is essential reading for anyone interested in the growth of China and India and what it means for the rest of the world.

    Acharya, Amitav, Daniel A. Bell, Rajeev Bhargava, and Yan Xuetong, eds. Bridging Two Worlds: Comparing Classical Political Thought and Statecraft in India and China. California: Universtiy of California Press, 2023.


    Global Sceptical Publics

    From Non-Religious Print Media to ‘Digital Atheism'

    Jacob Copeman, and Mascha Schulz, eds.

    Global Sceptical Publics

    Global Sceptical Publics is the first major study of the significance of different media for the (re)production of non-religious publics and publicity. While much work has documented how religious subjectivities are shaped by media, until now the crucial role of diverse media for producing and participating in religion-sceptical publics and debates has remained under-researched. With some chapters focusing on locations hitherto barely considered by scholarship on non-religion, the book places in comparative perspective how atheists, secularists and humanists engage with media – as means of communication and forming non-religious publics, but also on occasion as something to be resisted. Its conceptually rich interdisciplinary chapters thereby contribute important new insights to the growing field of non-religion studies and to scholarship on media and materiality more generally.

    Copeman, Jacob, and Mascha Schulz, eds. Global Sceptical Publics: From Non-Religious Print Media to ‘Digital Atheism'. London: UCL Press, 2022.

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