This special issue tackles epistemological distortions and blind spots through empirical and historical studies of African secularities, of the ways in which Africans have socially enacted and discursively framed the religious – secular distinction and thus filled it with cultural meaning. We trace genealogies of the religious and the secular in Africa and the diaspora, search for possible conceptual and institutional precursors in precolonial societies, and discuss the heuristic values of divergent conceptualisations. The contributors analyze the colonial formations of secularities and their transformations through anticolonial struggles and in African revolutions, taking heed of the variations in Anglo-, Franco- and Lusophone Africa. Do African socialisms, negritude, pan-Africanism, black consciousness, or Ubuntu propagate secularity? A further area of inquiry is the institutional and legal organization of religious plurality vis-à-vis the state and its executive institutions (e.g., public administration, police, infrastructure development). How do African states and civil societies deal with conflicts between the norms of religious or cultural communities and individual rights, be it freedom from religion/custom, gender equality, or sexual orientation (Igwe 2019; Mokoena 2022; Mutua 2008; Parsitau 2021)? How is religious plurality enacted and contested in the public arena? Are African traditions included or excluded (Echtler 2022; Goshadze 2019)? Beyond state politics and the public sphere, social differentiation is also produced in everyday interactions: how are various social domains demarcated (science, law, economy, medicine, education, arts, and so on) and how do they relate to the religious domain? Based on the analysis of the power/knowledge topography of secularities in Africa, this special issue explores their decolonizing potential for Africa and for the study of the secular.
Burchardt, Marian, Magnus Echtler and Katharina Wilkens, eds. Multiple Secularities in Africa. Special Issue, Journal of Religion in Africa 54, no. 3 (2024).