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The work of the research group finds its expression in various publication formats. In addition to monographs, edited volumes and articles by individual members of the research group, we also make (preliminary) research results available for academic discourse in the form of working papers.

Furthermore, with the Companion to the Study of Secularity, the research group is pursuing a long-term, collaborative publication project that aims to make research on phenomena of the conceptual distinction and structural differentiation of "religion" accessible to a larger academic audience and thus to contribute to opening up a new field of research and facilitating interdisciplinary exchange.

Working papers as well as entries for the Companion to the Study of Secularity are reviewed by at least two peers from the research group prior to publication.

Latest Publications


Sebastian Rimestad
#29: Russian Orthodox Approaches to Secularity in the Petrine Reforms of the Early Eighteenth Century

#29: Russian Orthodox Approaches to Secularity in the Petrine Reforms of the Early Eighteenth CenturySince the tenth century, the main religious force in Russia has been Orthodox Christianity. This branch of the Christian Church developed differently from its Western counterpart, Latin Christianity, after the geopolitical paths of the Western and Eastern Roman Empires diverged following the Migration Period in Late Antiquity. The different developments in the Christian East and West also led to distinct path dependencies, which informed the conceptualisation of the boundaries between the religious and the secular spheres. This working paper probes these differences, via an analysis of two important texts from early modern Russia: Feofan Prokopovich’s 1718 Palm Sunday sermon about “The Dignity and Power of the Sovereign,” and his 1721 “Spiritual Regulation.” By focusing on these two documents, whose conceptual foundations arguably shaped the structure of the Russian church for two centuries, the paper provides a first glimpse into the official discourse of religion and its discontents in early eighteenth-century Russia.
more Working Papers

Marian Burchardt, Magnus Echtler and Katharina Wilkens, eds.
Multiple Secularities in Africa

Special Issue of Journal of Religion in Africa

Multiple Secularities in Africa

This special issue tackles epistemological distortions and blind spots through empirical and historical studies of African secularities, of the ways in which Africans have socially enacted and discursively framed the religious – secular distinction and thus filled it with cultural meaning. We trace genealogies of the religious and the secular in Africa and the diaspora, search for possible conceptual and institutional precursors in precolonial societies, and discuss the heuristic values of divergent conceptualisations. The contributors analyze the colonial formations of secularities and their transformations through anticolonial struggles and in African revolutions, taking heed of the variations in Anglo-, Franco- and Lusophone Africa. Do African socialisms, negritude, pan-Africanism, black consciousness, or Ubuntu propagate secularity? A further area of inquiry is the institutional and legal organization of religious plurality vis-à-vis the state and its executive institutions (e.g., public administration, police, infrastructure development). How do African states and civil societies deal with conflicts between the norms of religious or cultural communities and individual rights, be it freedom from religion/custom, gender equality, or sexual orientation (Igwe 2019; Mokoena 2022; Mutua 2008; Parsitau 2021)? How is religious plurality enacted and contested in the public arena? Are African traditions included or excluded (Echtler 2022; Goshadze 2019)? Beyond state politics and the public sphere, social differentiation is also produced in everyday interactions: how are various social domains demarcated (science, law, economy, medicine, education, arts, and so on) and how do they relate to the religious domain? Based on the analysis of the power/knowledge topography of secularities in Africa, this special issue explores their decolonizing potential for Africa and for the study of the secular.

Burchardt, Marian, Magnus Echtler and Katharina Wilkens, eds. Multiple Secularities in Africa. Special Issue, Journal of Religion in Africa 54, no. 3 (2024).

more books

Kyuhoon Cho
Porous Secularity: Religious Modernity and the Vertical Religious Diversity in Cold War South Korea

Porous Secularity: Religious Modernity and the Vertical Religious Diversity in Cold War South Korea

Beyond the once dominant secularization thesis that anticipated the decline of religion in the modern era, the academic study of religion has in recent decades revisited secular as one of the factors that shape religion and religions in the globalized world. Against this theoretical backdrop, in this article, I use the case of South Korea to explore how secular and religion interact in contemporary global society. It focuses on describing the postcolonial reformulation of secularity and the corresponding transformation of religious diversity in Cold War South Korea. The Japanese colonial secularism rigidly banning the public and political engagement of religion was replaced by the flexible secular-religious divide after liberation of 1945. The porous mode of secularity extensively admitted religious entities to affect processes of postcolonial nation-building. Religious values, interests, and resources have been applied in motivating, pushing, and justifying South Koreans to devote themselves to developing the national community as a whole. Such a form of secularity became a critical condition that caused South Korea’s religious landscape to be reorganized in a vertical and unequal way. On the one hand, Buddhist and Christian populations grew remarkably in the liberated field of religion, while freedom of religion was recognized as a key ideological principle of the anticommunist country. On the other hand, folk beliefs and minority religious groups were often considered “superstitions”, “pseudo religions”, “heretics”, or even “evil religions”. With the pliable secularity at work, religious diversity was reconfigured hierarchically in the postcolonial society.

Kyuhoon Cho. "Porous Secularity: Religious Modernity and the Vertical Religious Diversity in Cold War South Korea." Religions 15, no. 8:893 (2024).

more articles

Karénina Kollmar-Paulenz
The “White History”: Religion and Secular Rule in Buddhist Mongolia

nameWith the assertion of Buddhism as the dominant religion at the end of the 16th century, a new reflection on the relationship between the secular and the religious commenced among the Mongols. They adopted the Joint Twofold System of Governance formulated in Buddhist Tibet, and adapted it to the Mongolian cultural context. This system of governance is described in the work “The White History”, written in the late 16th century, with the epistemic distinctions between the religious and the secular discursively negotiated in the work. Although the impact of these distinctions on the social differentiations of Mongolian society during the Qing period (1644–1911) remains to be investigated, the “White History” nonetheless provides a valuable insight into pre-modern Mongolian notions of the distinction between the religious and the secular.
more Companion entries