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Lecture Series: Critical Secular Studies


The Institute of Islamic Studies at Freie Universität Berlin organises a weekly lecture series on Critical Secular Studies ("Konfiguration des Säkularen: Einblicke in die kritische Säkularismus- forschung") in the summer semester. Among others, Markus Dreßler and our prospective fellow Gudrun Krämer will contribute to this series.


Conference Report: Islam - Knowledge - Power


On 22 and 23 February 2017 the conference "Islam, Knowledge, Power – Interactions from a theological and historical perspective" took place at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland). The organizers were the Swiss Centre for Islam and Society (SZIG) and the Post Graduate Program of Islamic Theology (Germany). Sana Chavoshian and Tarek El-Sourani from the KFG attended the conference.


CfP: Translating Babel. Religion and Translation in the Early Modern Period


The Conference Translating Babel: Religion and Translation in the Early Modern Period will take place from 20-22 July 2017 at the Gotha Research Centre of the University of Erfurt. The conference language will be English and an English-language publication is planned to document the proceedings. Lodging will be covered for participants and an honorary contract will defray transportation costs. Proposals (no more than 600 words) should be sent before 09 May 2017.


Blog on "Religion, Culture, Society"


Our Researcher Mohammad Magout recently revived his Blog on "Religion, Culture, Society" with a post on "Two Christianities in Two Booklets: Impressions from a Visit to a Swedish Church". He describes and analyses two very different booklets in Arabic language that he both found in Klara Church, Stockholm, earlier this year.


Public Lecture: José Casanova on "Secularisation or the Return of Religion?"


On 16 March 2017, 7 p.m., José Casanova will open the W. Michael Blumenthal Lectures at the Jewish Museum Berlin with a lecture "On the Relationship Between Religion and Secularity in European Societies".


New Article on Kemalist and post-Kemalist Secularism by Markus Dressler


Our Senior Researcher Markus Dreßler has published an article on Kemalist and post-Kemalist forms of Turkish secularism: "Erdoğan und die "Fromme Generation". Religion und Politik in der Türkei." in the current issue on Turkey of the publication "Aus Politik und Zeitgeschichte (From Politics and Contemporary History)" of the Federal Agency for Civic Education (Bundeszentrale für Politische Bildung).


Conference Programme: Religion and Science


The programme of the Spring Conference "Religion and Science. New Questions on an Old Topic" of the Section Sociology of Religion of the German Sociological Association, hosted by Monika Wohlrab-Sahr together with Silke Gülker and Hubert Knoblauch has been published. Katrin Killinger, Sana Chavoshian and Mohammad Magout from our KFG will present papers at this conference.


Call for Papers: Religion and Non-Religion in Contemporary Societies


The Journal for Religion and Society in Central and Eastern Europe (RASCEE) invites the submission of original research articles dealing with the topic of "Religion and Non-Religion in Contemporary Societies". Deadline for submission is 15 May 2017. Papers will be published subject to peer review. Publication is planned for December 2017.


MENALIB: The Middle East Virtual Library


Since the beginning of 2016 the University and state Library Saxon-Anhalt is running the DFG funded Specialized Information Service (SIS) Middle East-, North Africa- and Islamic Studies. The SIS succeeds the Special Subject Collection Middle east incl. North Africa which had been in Halle from 1998 until 2015. MENALIB, the Virtual Library of the SIS will be enhanced during the next three years into a modern recording, communication and research tool for Middle East and Islamic studies.


Workshop on "Religion: Bridging Gaps and Breaking Paths"


The KFG's Junior Researcher Mohammad Magout will present a paper in a session on "The Praxis of Religion, Theologies and Knowledge Production: Overcoming the dichotomy between inside and outside perspective" at the International KOSMOS Workshop of the Doctoral Program Religion – Knowledge – Discourse at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 2– 4 February 2017: "Religion: Bridging Gaps and Breaking Paths. Contemporary approaches towards discourses of religion and knowledge production in transdisciplinary perspective."


Markus Dressler on Secularism in the late Ottoman Period


Our Senior Researcher Markus Dressler will give a public presentation on "Secularism in the late Ottoman Period" on 25 January, 6:15 p.m., at the public colloquium of the ZfA (Zentrum für Antisemitismusforschung) at the TU Berlin.


Sexual Diversity & Equality in Islam


On 25 January, 7 p.m., Ludovic-Mohamed Zahed will give a talk on Sexual Diversity & Equality in Islam at the GRASSI Museum of Ethnology (Johannisplatz 5-11). The talk is part of the series "Salam Deutschland - Islam im Grassi".

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