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Multiple Secularities on Air


The KFG's directors Monika Wohlrab-Sahr and Christoph Kleine recently gave an interview to journalist Christian Röther from Deutschlandfunk. Their discussion was broadcasted on the radio programme Tag für Tag on 6 October 2016.


Conference on "Spatial Formats: Concepts, Historicity and Approaches towards Typologies"


Our neighbours from the Collaborative Research Centre (SFB) 1199: “Processes of Spatialization under the Global Condition” at Leipzig University will host their first annual conference: "Spatial Formats: Concepts, Historicity and Approaches towards Typologies" from 6 to 8 October 2016.


Monika Wohlrab-Sahr at the Historikertag in Hamburg


Our director Monika Wohlrab-Sahr will take part in the panel discussion "History of Religions Today. A Discussion between the Disciplines" at the 51. Deutscher Historikertag in Hamburg on 23 September 2016. The Panel aims to explore the specifics of different disciplinary approaches towards the history of religion(s) as well as possible junctions between them.


Markus Dreßler on the aftermaths of the attempted coup in Turkey


The Swiss newspaper "20 min" interviewed our Senior Researcher and Turkey expert Markus Dreßler about the recent developments in the country and the region after the attempted military coup on 15 July 2016.


How religious is the idea of constant economic growth?


Today we find ourselves in a confusing situation: On the one hand we see, that our economies are stretching to their limits due to the paradigm of eternal economic growth. Furthermore, we realize that the global economic inequality creates an increasing number of conflicts which cannot be solved adequately by neoliberal economic policies. On the other hand, politics and media are full of statements that stress the importance of economic effectivity and unlimited entrepreneurial freedom which is seen as fundamental for a better future.


Joint statement about the importance of fellowship programmes

The KFG "Multiple Secularities" has joined the common statement about fellowship programmes and their function in and relevance to the German academic and research system. The Statement "Forschungskollegs und ihre Funktion im deutschen Wissenschaftssystem" points out that fellowship programmes are an indispensable element of the German research system ...


Markus Dreßler on religion and politics in Turkey


Against the background of the latest attacks of Turkey’s president Erdoğan on (European) media, that are reporting critically on his policy, the Swiss newspaper "20 min" interviewed our Senior Researcher Markus Dreßler about the Erdoğan policy concerning home and foreign affairs and the role of Islam in Turkey today.

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