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CfP: Religion and Science


The KFG's director Monika Wohlrab-Sahr will host the Spring Conference "Religion und Science. New Questions on an Old Topic" of the Section Sociology of Religion of the German Sociological Association (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Soziologie, DGS) together with Silke Gülker and Hubert Knoblauch.


Public Lecture by Armando Salvatore


Our Senior Research Fellow Armando Salvatore will present a guest lecture on "Religious Charisma, Civility and Sovereignty in the Sociology of Islam" on 21 November 2016 at the Käte Hamburger Kolleg "Dynamics in the History of Religions between Asia and Europe" (Ruhr-Universität Bochum).


Job Offers

We present a choice of some current job offers that are somehow related to the fields of our Humanities Centre for Advanced Studies "Multiple Secularities – Beyond the West, Beyond Modernities": 1 Fellowship in the History of Religion and Religiosity at the German Historical Institute (Washington, DC). 12 positions for Doctoral Candidates in the Research Training Group "Religious Knowledge in pre-modern Europe (800-1800)." (Tübingen). 3 PhD positions in the Junior Research Group: ‘The Bureaucratization of Islam and its Socio-Legal Dimensions in Southeast Asia’ (Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology, Halle).


Call for Papers: Cultural Impacts of the Reformation


The international congress "Cultural Impacts of Reformation" at the old LEUCOREA University in Lutherstadt Wittenberg from 7-11 August 2017 aims at a profound understanding and a new description of the impacts of Reformation.


Book Release: Daniel Kinitz on "The Other Side of Islam"


We are happy to announce the release of the book "Die andere Seite des Islam. Säkularismus-Diskurs und muslimische Intellektuelle im modernen Ägypten" (The Other Side of Islam. The Discourse on Secularism (al-ʿalmānīya) and the Muslim Intellectual in Modern Egypt) by our Senior Researcher Daniel Kinitz. The book is published by De Gruyter as volume 7 of the series "Religion and Its Others. Studies in Religion, Nonreligion, and Secularity".


Public Debate: "Religion, Society and Politics in the US"


On the eve of the US presidential elections, 7 November, the support association of Leipzig University's Faculty of Theology invites to a public round of talks on "Religion, Society and Politics in the US". Traditionally religion has an important impact on everyday life as well as on politics in the US. In the presidential election campaigns of 2016 question of religious and morals policies were also central issues for the candidates as well as for the electorate. The talks will focus on the influence of religious affiliations and topics on the election process.


Public Talk by Rinku Lamba


The KFG's Senior Research Fellow Rinku Lamba will present a public talk on "Conceptions of Religion in India: An Analysis of the Discourses of Bhakti and Modern Indian Political Thought" on 14 November 2016 at the South Asia Institute (SAI), Heidelberg University. The talk will take place from 4-6 p.m. at the SAI, Room 316.


Public Conference: The Guru Challenge

The Institute of British Studies at Leipzig University invites to the interdisciplinary conference ‘The Guru Challenge’ from 4-6 Nov. 2016. The conference centres on the guru as a cultural figure that combines Indian spiritual learning with a global outlook. This conference aims to explore both the historical development of the concept of the Indian guru and its representations and transformations in Western culture. The talks offer insights into the psychological, social and spiritual role of gurus and their representations in a wide range of media and modes of narration, such as literary fiction, travel writing, biography, or film.


Online Exhibition: The Urban Sacred


How does religion and religious life become visible in (european) metropolises? In which way do religions influence our way of living, urban social behaviour, and urban development? Which impact do urban structures have on religion vice versa? These are the questions, that the online exhibition "The Urban Sacred" is dealing with. The exhibition is the result of several years of collaboration of researchers and artists from the Netherlands, the UK, and Germany by Volkhard Krech (Center for Religious Studies, Ruhr University Bochum). The project examines the visible and invisible presence of religion in Berlin, Amsterdam, and London and reflects on the religious architecture, rituals, processes of transformation, and the encounters of residents, workers and tourists with religion in the city.


Public Lecture on "Religious Identity"


On 2 November 2016 Professor Alexander Deeg (Institute of Practical Theology, Leipzig University) will give a lecture on "Religious Identity!? About the Identity Confusing and Creating Role of Religion" ("Religiöse Identität!? Über die Identität verwirrende und stiftende Rolle der Religion"). The lecture is part of the studium universale at Leipzig University, which is focussing on questions of "Identity" in this semester.


Call for Contributions: (Post)secular


Dr. Silke Horstkotte and Dr. James Hodkinson from Warwick University ask for proposals for contributions to the conference event "(Post)secular: Imagining faith in contemporary cultures." The deadline for proposals is 15 November 2016.


Lecture: Contested Secularity


On 25 October 2016, 7 p.m., the KFG's director Monika Wohlrab-Sahr will give a public lecture on "Contested Secularity - Struggle for the Boundaries of Religion" (Umkämpfte Säkularität - Kampf um die Grenzen der Religion) at the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities in Munich. The lecture is part of the series "Religion and Society. Systems of Sensemaking in Conflict" (Religion und Gesellschaft. Sinnstiftungssysteme im Konflikt).

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